Pinnected by Leo H. onto Soccer from pic.sports.sohu.com
Michael Jackson’s latest album, Xscape, hit stores this past Tuesday–and so far, the results have generally been worthy of the King of Pop’s royal moniker.
Michael Jackson’s latest album, Xscape, hit stores this past Tuesday–and so far, the results have generally been worthy of the King of Pop’s royal moniker.
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Celebrities from forbes.com
There's nowhere to see but up in this photo of Hong Kong, taken by Norbert Well and submitted to the 2014 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest. "Living in a box is living in Hong Kong," he says.
There's nowhere to see but up in this photo of Hong Kong, taken by Norbert Well and submitted to the 2014 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest. "Living in a box is living in Hong Kong," he says.
n 1997, Sweden adopted the unlikely goal of ending traffic deaths, and has since seen its fatality rate plummet. Now, the strategy faces perhaps its stiffest test: New York City streets.

De Blasio Looks Toward Sweden for Road Safety
While roadway deaths have not been eliminated in Sweden, the country’s rate of fatalities has been whittled down to an international low. Now its approach faces perhaps its stiffest test: the streets of New York City.
n 1997, Sweden adopted the unlikely goal of ending traffic deaths, and has since seen its fatality rate plummet. Now, the strategy faces perhaps its stiffest test: New York City streets. De Blasio Looks Toward Sweden for Road Safety http://www.nytimes.com While roadway deaths have not been eliminated in Sweden, the country’s rate of fatalities has been whittled down to an international low. Now its approach faces perhaps its stiffest test: the streets of New York City.
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Wow! from 17shang.com
Photo of the Day: An owl stretches on a tree branch in a Kuwait natural reserve. #photography
Owl -- National Geographic Photo of the Day
An owl stretches on a nature reserve in Kuwait in this National Geographic Photo of the Day from the Traveler Photo Contest.
Photo of the Day: An owl stretches on a tree branch in a Kuwait natural reserve. #photography Owl -- National Geographic Photo of the Day photography.nationalgeographic.com An owl stretches on a nature reserve in Kuwait in this National Geographic Photo of the Day from the Traveler Photo Contest.
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Amazing nature from 17shang.com
Low-level electromagnetic noise—the kind that urban areas are now awash in—can disable a critical tool songbirds use to migrate, scientists say.
Cracking Mystery Reveals How Electronics Affect Bird Migration
The robins seemed to have no idea where north was. "The birds basically jumped in random directions every spring and autumn for three years," Mouritsen says.
Low-level electromagnetic noise—the kind that urban areas are now awash in—can disable a critical tool songbirds use to migrate, scientists say. Cracking Mystery Reveals How Electronics Affect Bird Migration news.nationalgeographic.com The robins seemed to have no idea where north was. "The birds basically jumped in random directions every spring and autumn for three years," Mouritsen says.
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Amazing nature from 17shang.com
北京时间5月10日早间消息,Facebook本周已在苹果公司App Store应用商店中下架了模仿Snapchat的“阅后即焚”应用Poke。
北京时间5月10日早间消息,Facebook本周已在苹果公司App Store应用商店中下架了模仿Snapchat的“阅后即焚”应用Poke。
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Business from m.donews.com
On this day 20 years ago, Nelson Mandela was named the first black president of South Africa, closing an era of apartheid. View the front page of the Times from 1994 announcing Mr. Mandela’s presidency.

And take a look back at the life of the leading emancipator of South Africa: http://nyti.ms/1nwdb72
On this day 20 years ago, Nelson Mandela was named the first black president of South Africa, closing an era of apartheid. View the front page of the Times from 1994 announcing Mr. Mandela’s presidency. And take a look back at the life of the leading emancipator of South Africa: http://nyti.ms/1nwdb72
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Pinnected by Leo H. onto Humorous Stuff from weibo.com
J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门----任意球不乏经典配合打入美妙入球,这不J联赛再贡献神奇进球,四人虚晃第五名球员一剑封喉。在这一轮的焦点战中京东不死鸟主场迎战横滨水手。比赛中不死鸟获得禁区内任意球机会,球员们排成一队,前面的四名球员只一一虚晃,队友有点晕,有球员出击铲球,第五名球员才是真正的操刀者,果然一击致命。
J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门----任意球不乏经典配合打入美妙入球,这不J联赛再贡献神奇进球,四人虚晃第五名球员一剑封喉。在这一轮的焦点战中京东不死鸟主场迎战横滨水手。比赛中不死鸟获得禁区内任意球机会,球员们排成一队,前面的四名球员只一一虚晃,队友有点晕,有球员出击铲球,第五名球员才是真正的操刀者,果然一击致命。
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Soccer from pic.sports.sohu.com
J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门 --- 任意球不乏经典配合打入美妙入球,这不J联赛再贡献神奇进球,四人虚晃第五名球员一剑封喉。在这一轮的焦点战中京东不死鸟主场迎战横滨水手。比赛中不死鸟获得禁区内任意球机会,球员们排成一队,前面的四名球员只一一虚晃,队友有点晕,有球员出击铲球,第五名球员才是真正的操刀者,果然一击致命。
J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门 --- 任意球不乏经典配合打入美妙入球,这不J联赛再贡献神奇进球,四人虚晃第五名球员一剑封喉。在这一轮的焦点战中京东不死鸟主场迎战横滨水手。比赛中不死鸟获得禁区内任意球机会,球员们排成一队,前面的四名球员只一一虚晃,队友有点晕,有球员出击铲球,第五名球员才是真正的操刀者,果然一击致命。
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Soccer from pic.sports.sohu.com
J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门

J联神级任意球开先河 四人虚晃第五人破门 任意球不乏经典配合打入美妙入球,这不J联赛再贡献神奇进球,四人虚晃第五名球员一剑封喉。在这一轮的焦点战中京东不死鸟主场迎战横滨水手。比赛中不死鸟获得禁区内任意球机会,球员们排成一队,前面的四名球员只一一虚晃,队友有点晕,有球员出击铲球,第五名球员才是真正的操刀者,果然一击致命。
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Soccer from pic.sports.sohu.com
“People are going to get sick of me,” J. Law worries. http://vnty.fr/SDsvVg
Jennifer Lawrence Is Tired Of Being A GIF
“People are going to get sick of me,” J. Law worries. http://vnty.fr/SDsvVg Jennifer Lawrence Is Tired Of Being A GIF
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Celebrities from 17shang.com
Space Photo of the Day: This planetary nebula look an awful lot like a watchful eye

Space Photo of the Day: This planetary nebula look an awful lot like a watchful eye http://wrd.cm/1g9tDVv
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Amazing nature from 17shang.com
"I never thought I'd be in love," actress Angelina Jolie recently shared. She's now a mom of six and engaged to Brad Pitt. Can you identify with her? http://cnn.it/1nqZkyL
"I never thought I'd be in love," actress Angelina Jolie recently shared. She's now a mom of six and engaged to Brad Pitt. Can you identify with her? http://cnn.it/1nqZkyL
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Celebrities from 17shang.com
The Economist- This week's cover preview:
The lure of shadow banking
May 10th – 16th 2014
The Economist- This week's cover preview: The lure of shadow banking May 10th – 16th 2014
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Business from 17shang.com
This is not a gaming controller. It is the most incredible steering wheel ever made.

Take an inside look at Formula 1's ridiculously smart nerve center: http://wrd.cm/1noeHIn
This is not a gaming controller. It is the most incredible steering wheel ever made. Take an inside look at Formula 1's ridiculously smart nerve center: http://wrd.cm/1noeHIn
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Cool Tech from 17shang.com
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
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雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
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雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
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雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
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雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Cool Tech from auto.qq.com
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
雷诺Kwid概念车自带无人机 内饰如鸟巢
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Cool Tech from auto.qq.com
据英国《每日邮报》5月6日报道,当相恋3年的男友Francinaldo da Sliva Carvalho在海滩上单膝跪地上演浪漫求婚后,巴西少女Elisany da Cruz Sliva即将成为全世界最高的新娘。
据英国《每日邮报》5月6日报道,当相恋3年的男友Francinaldo da Sliva Carvalho在海滩上单膝跪地上演浪漫求婚后,巴西少女Elisany da Cruz Sliva即将成为全世界最高的新娘。
Pinnected by Leo H. onto Wow! from pic.fashion.sohu.com
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