Let me tell ya.... Wasn't easy holding that stick there with all that oil on......
Pinnected by Janet K. onto Funny to death!
Uber's apology over an executive's comments theorizing about launching a smear campaign against journalists wasn't enough for Sen. Al Franken.
Sen. Franken said the recent comments suggested a "troubling disregard for customers' privacy, including the need to protect their sensitive geolocation data."
strong is the new sexy!
strong is the new sexy!
strong is the new sexy!
strong is the new sexy!
strong is the new sexy!
《Carolina》,New York,1976
卡戴珊油光全裸登封面 翘臀顶杯洒香槟重现经典
卡戴珊油光全裸登封面 翘臀顶杯洒香槟重现经典